Project Storm:Brainstorming

From Goob Games

this is the brainstorming page forda game!!!!!!!

Oct 8 brainstorming session!!


The following are suggestions for the title of the game.

  • I'll Find You in the Morning Sun
  • The Morning Sun
  • Find the Morning Sun
  • Morning Dust (homage to Exhaling Dust :] )
holy shit morning == mourning GUYS NEW METAPHOR

Three Act Structure

Project Storm is expected to follow a three-act structure where different objectives and game styles are employed.

Section Act One Act Two Act Three
Main Objective Collect/scan three samples of rare Mars rocks. Find shelter from the storm. Follow the morning sun.
Length 4-8 minutes. 25-35 minutes. 5-10 minutes.
Can Oppy Die? No Yes No
Description Oppy receives contact from her friends back home telling her to collect samples. This act serves as the main tutorial for basic traversal and scanning mechanics. A storm takes Oppy by surprise and knocks out vital systems. Oppy must survive the storm by finding shelter. The player is expected to die and replay this section repeatedly. After surviving the storm, Oppy once again receives contact from Earth, and follows her final instruction: "Find us in the morning sun."
Mechanics Introduced Traversal, Scanning Battery Flight

The Nightmare Art-Style

The game's visual makeover will be largely grounded in realism. As an Unreal Engine project, we will utilize many of UE5's raytracing features such as lumen and nanite.

While we will not stray too far from UE's default visuals for this project, we will begin to lay down the path for a type of art style that Goob is dubbing "Nightmare".


Find the Morning Sun

Literally find the morning sun.

Find Oasis

Find shelter.

Scan Objects

Find shelter.

Inspirations / Media

Tumblr post that made goob cry

Exo One

Voice demo at the 1 min mark.

The Martian - Dust Storm scene